Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Inspiration A-Z

A... Anthropologie
B... Betsey Johnson
C... Cosmetics
D... Dixie Pixel
E... ELLE Magazine
F... Friends
G... Gwen Stefani
H... Holidays
I... Ice Cream
J... Jewelry
K... Kindergarteners
L... Love
M... Music
N... New York
O... Oranges
P... Patricia Field
Q... Quirks
R... Razzle Dazzle
S... Sephora
T... Threadbanger !!!!!!!!
U... Urban Outfitters
V... Velvet
W... Winning
X... X men
Y... Youtube

Turning 27

Okay, so I KNOW 27 is the new 17. That knowledge, however, does not stop me from dreading the big 2-7. As a friend mentioned earlier today, I have a job that I love, people that I love who love me and my health. I should be happy to move forward. When did maturing become daunting? Wasn't it just yesterday I was longing for the day I wouldn't get carded at the liquor store? Why do I now find myself wishing I would?