chicken nachos.
three. what do you miss?

four. what makes you laugh often?

five. what's your favorite word?
six. what are you trying to quit?
seven. what's your favorite commercial right now?
eight. whose style do you dig?

nine. link to a great blog you've discovered lately.
ten. what's the last craft you made?

eleven. a photo of the last happy mail you got.

twelve. something you've got lately?

thirteen. what are you looking forward to?

fourteen. post a recent snapshot of you.

fifteen. a favorite movie?

sixteen. something you're working on right now?
gifts for my framily.
seventeen. if a movie were made about you, who would play you?

eighteen. what gives you goosebumps?

nineteen. share a new obsessions.

venti. what's the meaning of your life?
to love and be loved